
博士 教授 博士生导师



1982 年 南开大学 理学学士

1985 年 南开大学理学硕士

1991 年 加拿大多伦多大学 经济学博士


1985 年 南开大学数学系讲师

1991 年-1993 年 加拿大康科迪亚大学经济系助理教授

1993 年-至今 香港科技大学经济系教授

2007 年 中国教育部长江学者











1. Wang, S. (1989): “Trade Balance and Exchange Rate with the PPP Theory,” Economics Let-

ters, 30, 363–366.

2. Wang, S. (1990): “The Inverse Problem of Asset Price under Nonexpected Utility,” Econom-

ics Letters, 33, 211–215.

3. Wang, S. (1993): “The Integrability Problem of Asset Prices,” Journal of Economic Theory,

59(1), 199–213. (47 Google citations).

4. Wang, S. (1993): “Is Kreps-Porteus Utility Distinguishable From Intertemporal Expected

Utility?” Economic Theory, 3, 119–127.

5. Wang, S. (1993): “The Local Recoverability of Risk Aversion and Intertemporal Substitu-

tion,” Journal of Economic Theory, 59(2), 333–363.

6. Irvine1, I.; Wang, S. (1994): “Earnings Uncertainty and Aggregate Wealth Accumulation:

Comment,” American Economic Review, 84(5), 1463–1469.

7. Tao2, Z.; Wang, S. (1998): “Foreign Direct Investment and Contract Enforcement,” Journal

of Comparative Economics, 26, 761–782.

8. Kim3, S.K.; Wang, S. (1998): “Linear Contracts and the Double Moral-Hazard,” Journal of

Economic Theory, 82, 342–378. Well cited (174 Google citations).

9. Wang, S. (2000): “Determinants of Aggregate Wealth,” Macroeconomic Dynamics, 4(1),


10. Irvine, I.; Wang, S. (2001): “Saving Behavior and Wealth Accumulation in a Pure Life-Cycle

Model with Income Uncertainty,” European Economic Review, 45(2), 233–258.

11. Irvine, I.; Wang, S. (2003): “The Distribution of Wealth with Uncertain Income,” Econom-

ica, 70, 267–292.

12. Wang, S.; Zhou,4 H. (2004): “Staged Financing in Venture Capital: Moral Hazard and Risks,”

Journal of Corporate Finance, 10(1), 131–155. Well cited (392 Google citations).

13. Kim, S.K.; Wang, S. (2004): “Robustness of a Fixed-Rent Contract in a Standard Agency

Model,” Economic Theory, 24(1), 111–128.

14. Wang, S.; Zhu,5 T. (2004): “Contract Law and the Boundaries of the Firm,” Journal of Eco-

nomic Research, 9, 93–113.

15. Wang, S.; Zhu, T. (2005): “Control Allocation, Revenue Sharing, and Joint Ownership,” In-

ternational Economic Review, 46(3), 895–915. (46 Google citations).

16. Wang, S.; Zhu, L. (2007): “Increasing Returns to Scale from Variable Capacity Utilization,”

International Journal of Economic Theory, 3(3), 191–212.

17. Wang, S. (2008): “The Optimality of Contingent Fees in the Agency Problem of Litigation,”

International Review of Law and Economics, 28, 23–31.

18. Wang,6 L.; Wang, S. (2009): “Convertibles in Staged Financing,” Journal of Economics and

Finance, 33(2), 189–221.

19. Wang, S. (2009): “Convertibles in Sequential Financing,” Review of Finance, 13(4), 727–


20. Wang, S. (2010): “Contractual Incompleteness for External Risks,” B.E. Journal of Theo-

retical Economics, 10(1), Article 19.

21. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2011): “Cross-Border Venture Capital Performance: Evidence from

China,” Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 19(1), 71–97. (103 Google citations).7

22. Qiu,8 L.; Wang, S. (2011): “BOT Projects: Incentives and Efficiency,” Journal of Develop-

ment Economics, 94(1), 127–138. (81 Google citations).

23. Hong,9 F.; Wang, S. (2012): “Climate Policy, Learning, and Technology Adoption in Small

Countries,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 51(3), 391-411.

24. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2012): “Endogenous Networks in Investment Syndication,” Journal of

Corporate Finance, 18, 640-663.

25. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2012): “Economic Freedom and Cross-Border Venture Capital Perfor-

mance,” Journal of Empirical Finance, 19, 26-50. (113 Google citations).

26. Zhang,10 J.; Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2012): “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Re-

cent Evidence from China,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 40, 393-412. Well cited

(458 Google citations).

27. Jiang,11 K.; Wang, S. (2012): “Staged Privatization: A Market Process with Multistage Lock-

ups,” China Economic Review, 23(4), 1051-1070.

28. Wang, L.; Wang, S.; Zhang, J. (2013): “Understanding the High-Tech Bubble from Evi-

dence,” Financial Review, 48(2), 283-310.

29. Wang, S. (2014): “The Irrelevance of Control Rights in Agency Models under Risk Neutral-

ity.” Managerial and Decision Economics, 35, 337-349.

30. Chen, S.; Wang, S.; Yang, H. (2015). Spatial Competition and Interdependence in Strategic

Decisions: Empirical Evidence from Franchising. Economic Geography, 91(2), 165-204.

31. Jiang, K.; Wang, S. (2016). Staged Privatization: Transforming SOEs to Market-Based

Firms. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 172(4), 694-726.

32. Wang, S.; Zhu, T. (2016). Optimality of the 51:49 Equity Structure. Economics Letters, 145,


33. Wang, S. (2017). A Functional Representation of Fuzzy Preferences. Theoretical Economics

Letters, 7, 13-22.

34. Jiang, K.; Wang, S. (2017). A Contractual Analysis of State versus Private Ownership. China

Economic Review, 43, 142-168.

35. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2017). Buybacks as an Efficient Strategy for Venture Capital in Emerg-

ing Markets. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 43, 107-123.

36. Wang, S. (2018). A Theory of Mandatory Convertibles: Distinct Features for Large Repeated

Financing. European Journal of Finance, 24(4), 347-362.

37. Ma, Q.; Wang, S. (2018). A Unified Theory of Forward- and Backward-looking M&As and

Divestitures. European Financial Management, 24(3, June), 418-450.

38. Ma, Q; Wang, S. (2018). Divestment Options under Tacit and Incomplete Information. Pa-

cific-Basin Finance Journal, 49 (June), 15-29.

39. Song, T.; Wang, S. (2019). Network Effects, Trade, and Productivity. Managerial and De-

cision Economics, 40(7), 815-822.

40. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2021). Unusual Investor Behavior under Tacit and Endogenous Market

Signals. International Review of Economics and Finance, 73, 76-97.

41. Jiang, K.; Wang, S. (2022). Internal Labor Markets - Two Types of Promotion and Two Tiers

of Salary - Theory and Evidence from China. China Economic Review, 72, Article 101756

(22-1 accept, 22-4 publish).

42. Ma, Q.; Wang, S. (2022). Internal vs. External Restructuring—Boundary of the Firm with

an Endogenous Firm Structure. Journal of Financial Research, 45 (4), 797-816 (22-7 pub-


43. Jiang, K.; Wang, S. (2023). Survival Tactics for Distressed Firms in Emerging Markets.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, forthcoming (23-1 accept).

44. Wang, S. (2023). Bundling of Authority and Accountability in Organizations. Journal of

Economics & Management Strategy, forthcoming (23-6 accept).

45. Wang, S.; Xiao, J. (2023). The Hierarchy of Public Governance: Resource Allocation vs Bu-

reaucratic Inefficiency. Review of Economic Design, forthcoming (23-10 accept).

46. Wang, S. (2024). Incomplete Contracts with Disparity, Uncertainty, Information and In-

centives. Theory and Decision, forthcoming (24-1 accept).

47. He, Y.; Tang, S.; Wang, L.; Wang, S.; Yu, T. (2024). Private Equity Market Development,

State Ownership and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China. International Review of Eco-

nomics and Finance, forthcoming (24-1 accept).


1. Wang, S. (1985): “Analyze and Predict China's Economic Growth Using a Dynamic Pro

gramming Method,” Mathematics in Economics, 2, 129–130 (in Chinese).

2. Wang, S. (1986): “A Separation Theorem of Convex Cone on Ordered Vector Space and Its

Applications,” Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 9 (3), 309–318 (in Chinese).

3. Wang, S. (1986): “The Convex Vector Programming on an Order Complete Ordered Topo

logical Vector Space,” Annals of Mathematics, 7 (1), 111–123 (in English).

4. Wang, S. (1986): “On Economic Growth Models,” Journal of Operations Research, 5 (2),

10–17, 1986 (in Chinese).

5. Wang, S. (2003): “A Recursive Dynamic Agency Model and a Semi-Linear First-Best

Contract,” China Economic Quarterly (经济季刊), 2 (2), 339–354 (in Chinese).

6. Wang, S.; Zhu, L. (2004): “A Dynamic Queuing Model,” Chinese Journal of Economic

Theory, 1, 14–35 (in English).

7. Wang, S. (2008): “Multiple Objectives in Fiscal Policy: the Case of Taxation,” Nanjing

Business Review, 43–59 (in Chinese).

8. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2010), “The Impact of Public Market Signals on Venture Capital

Investment Decision and Performance,” China Economic Quarterly (经济季刊), 10(1),

183-208. (in Chinese).

9. Wang, S. (2012). Ownership and Regulation in Private-Public Partnerships. Nanjing

Business Review (南大商学评论), 17, 1–22 (in Chinese).

10. Zhang, J.; Shan J.; Wang, S. (2013). Location strategies of multinational banking under

risk and asymmetric information. Nankai Business Review International, 4(2), 130-146.

(in English).


1. Jiang, K.; Wang, S. (2021). Survival Tactics for Distressed Firms in Emerging Markets. 3rd

R&R to Asia-Pacific Journal of Management.

2. Wang, S. (2022). Bundling of Authority and Accountability in Organizations. 1st R&R to

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy.

3. Y. He; S. Tang; L. Wang; S. Wang (2020). Private Equity Market Development, State

Ownership and Firm Innovation: Evidence from China. 1st R&R to International Review of

Economics and Finance.


1.Wang, S. (2012). Organization Theory and Its Applications. Routledge Publisher, UK.

2.Wang, S.; Yang, W. (2014). 高级微观经济理论.People’s University Publisher, China, (in


3. Wang, S. (2015). Math in Economics. 1st ed., 2008, People’s University Publisher, China;

2nd ed., 2015, World Scientific Publishing Co.

4. Wang, S. (2018). Microeconomic Theory. 1st ed., 2006, People’s University Publisher,

China; 2nd ed., 2012, McGraw-Hill; 3rd ed., 2016, free online; 4th ed., 2018, Springer.

5.Blomqvist, A.G.; Wang, S.; Zhu, L. (2000): “Financing health care in developing economies:

Simulations for China,” in Jason Z. Yin, D.F. Gates and Shuanglin Lin, eds., Social Security

Reform: Options for China. 315–333, Singapore: World Scientific.

6. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2009): “Is Staged Financing Designed for Alleviating Risks or Agency

Problems?” in M. Bergmann and T. Faust, eds., Handbook of Business and Finance, Chapter 8,

Nova Publishers, 191–216 (invited submission).

7. Wang, L.; Wang, S. (2009): “Syndication as a Management Strategy,” in M. Bergmann and

T. Faust, eds., Handbook of Business and Finance, Chapter 9, Nova Science Publishers,

217–240 (invited submission).

8. Wang, S. (2012): “An Efficient Bonus Contract,” in P.E. Simmons and S.T. Jordan, eds,

Economics of Innovation, Incentives and Uncertainty, Chapter 10, 170–190, Nova Science

Publishers, (invited submission).


1.1982 年 南开大学数学竞赛第一名

2.2004 年 香港科技大学富兰克林卓越教学奖

3.2007 年 香港科技大学富兰克林卓越教学奖

4.2010 年 香港科技大学富兰克林卓越教学奖

5.2012 年 根据 Exaly 的数据,《比较经济学杂志》的引文排名第一

6.三篇被引用的论文:Kim-Wang(1998)、Wang-Zhou(2004)和 Zhang-Wang-Wang(2012)分别有 170、373 和 419 次谷歌引用