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博士 教授 博士生导师 yixingtong@shu.edu.cn



女,汉族,厦门大学会计学硕士,香港理工大学会计学博士,上海(领军)-中青年拔尖人才。在国内外高水平期刊,如Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Academy of Management Journal (UTD24), Production and Operations Management (UTD24), Journal of Management (FT50), Journal of Business Ethics (FT50), Journal of Corporate Finance,《会计研究》等,发表高质量学术论文二十余篇。在各类国际学术会议上做过多次学术报告,获得最佳论文称号数次。曾主持中国国家自然科学基金项目、广东省自然科学基金项目、澳洲与新西兰会计学科研基金、香港富布莱特科研基金等多项。任Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting Economics (SSCI) 副主编和Management and Organization Review编辑委员, 为Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Journal of Corporate Finance, Organization Science等国际学术刊物及会议刊物做评审。









2021~至今 SSCI期刊Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics副主编

2019~至今 环球华人会计协会理事会常任委员

2023~2025 SSCI期刊Management and Organization Review编委

2020~2023 昆士兰大学商科学士(会计)课程中心主任

2020~2021 澳洲与新西兰会计与金融协会年会特邀编委

Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, British Accounting Review, Organization Science, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 等期刊匿名审稿人




1. Tong, J.Y., and Zhang, F.F., “Do Capital Markets Punish Managerial Myopia? Evidence from Myopic R&D Cuts”, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis [FT50, ABDC-A*]. Accepted.

v Cited by Institutional Investor Magazine: New Evidence Shows that Investors See Through Short-Termism (http://www.institutionalinvestor.com/Article/3322453/Banking-and-Capital-Markets-Corporations/New-Evidence-Shows-That-Investors-See-Through-Short-Termism.html).

v SSRN’s Top Ten download list for ERN: Behavioral Finance (Microeconomics).

2. Chen, G., Luo, S., Tang, Y., & Tong, J. Y. (2023). Back to School: CEOs’ Pre-Career Exposure to Religion, Firm's Risk-Taking, and Innovation. Journal of Management [FT50, ABDC-A*], 49(3), 881-912.

3. Xiong, J., Ouyang, C., Tong, J. Y., & Zhang, F. F. (2021). Fraud commitment in a smaller world: Evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of Corporate Finance [ABDC-A*]. 70, 102090.

4. Lev, B., Radhakrishnan, S., and Tong, J.Y., (2021). Earnings Component Volatilities: Capital Versus R&D Expenditures. Production and Operations Management [UTD24, FT50, ABDC-A*]. 30(5):1475-92.

5. Chen, G., Luo, S., Tang, Y. and Tong, J.Y., (2015). Probation passed: Earnings management by interim CEOs and its effect on their promotion prospects. Academy of Management Journal [UTD24, FT50, ABDC-A*]. 58 (5): 1389-1418.

v Cited by Business Insider (http://www.businessinsider.com.au/interim-ceos-are-more-likely-to-inflate-earnings-2015-11?r=US&IR=T), CFO (http://ww2.cfo.com/accounting/2015/11/interim-ceos-prone-inflating-earnings/), Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/on-leadership/wp/2015/11/25/interim-ceos-more-likely-to-massage-the-numbers-research-finds/) and etc.

6. Xiong, J., Tong, Y., Zhang, F., Ouyang, C., & Chan, K. C. (2023). Does share pledging affect corporate philanthropy? Evidence from China. Journal of Business Finance & Accounting [ABDC-A*]. , 00, 1–29. https://doi.org/10.1111/jbfa.12687

7. Hoang, L. T., Hossain, M. Z., Tong, J. Y., & Yang, J. W. (2023). Do insider investment horizons contain information? Evidence from Australia. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 101946. https://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0927-538X(23)00012-4

8. Muhammad, F. M., Shan, Y., and Tong, J.Y., (2022). Do auditors price litigious tone? Accounting and Finance [ABDC-A]. 62:1715-60.

9. Li, M., Liu, X., Tong, J.Y., and Zhang, F., (2022). CFO Gender and Tax Aggressiveness, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal [ABDC-A]. 71:101679

10. Chen, S., Ni, S., and Tong, J.Y., (2022). Impact of recent Chinese stock market liberalization: History and literature review. International Journal of Accounting [ABDC-A]. 57(01):2250006.

v SSRN's Top Ten download list for: ERN: Financial Markets, Saving & Capital Investment in Developing Economies.

11. Chen, R., Tong, J.Y., Zhang, F.F. and Zhou, G.S., (2021). Do female directors enhance R&D performance? International Review of Economics & Finance, 74: 253-275.

v SSRN's Top Ten download list for: Sociology of Innovation eJournal and WGSRN: Gender Difference in Corporate Governance & Finance.

12. Chen J., Wang W., Tong, J.Y. and Zhang F., (2019), The economic consequences of labor unionization: Evidence from stock price crash risk. Journal of Business Ethics [ABDC-A, FT50], 157(3): 775–796.

13. Chen J., Dong W., Tong, J.Y. and Zhang, F., (2018), Corporate philanthropy and investment efficiency: Evidence from China. Pacific Basin Finance Journal [ABDC-A]. Vol51: 392-409.

14. Chen J., Dong W., Tong, J.Y. and Zhang F., (2018). Corporate philanthropy and tunneling: Evidence from China. Journal of Business Ethics [ABDC-A, FT50]. 150 (1): 135-157.

15. Chen S., Srinidhi B., Su L., and Tong, J.Y., (2018), The separate and joint effects of the market for corporate control and board effectiveness on R&D valuation. Australian Journal of Management [ABDC-A]. 43(2): 203-224.

16. Ko A., Tong, J.Y., Zhang F., and Zheng G., (2016), Corporate governance, product market competition and managerial incentives: Evidence from four Pacific Basin countries. Pacific Basin Finance Journal [ABDC-A]. 40: 491-502.

17. Ho S.M., Li Y.S., Tong, J.Y. and Tam K.S. (2016). Ethical image, corporate social responsibility, and R&D valuation. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal [ABDC-A], Volume 40, Part B, Pages 335–348..

v Best Paper Award in the 2015 Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference at Perth, Australia.

18. Chen S., Ni Xu, and Tong, J.Y., (2016), Gender diversity in the boardroom and risk management: A case of R&D investment? Journal of Business Ethics [ABDC-A, FT50]. 136(3): 599–621.

19. Tong, Jamie Y. & Zhang, F. (2014). More Evidence That Corporate R&D Investment (and Effective Boards) Can Increase Firm Value. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance [ABDC-A]. Volume 26, Number 2, 94-100.

20. Chan, Kam C., Chang, Chih-Hsiang, Tong, Jamie Y., & Zhang, F. (2012). An analysis of the accounting and finance research productivity in Australia and New Zealand in 1991-2010. Accounting and Finance [ABDC-A]. Volume 52, Issue 1, 249-265.


1. 澳洲

a) 昆士兰大学基金,2020, 2018

b) AFAANZ科研基金,2018 (2项), 2015

c) 西澳大学基金,2013,2015

2. 中国大陆

a) 广东省自然科学基金,2012

b) 中国自然科学基金青年项目,2010

3. 香港地区

a) RGC-福布莱特科研基金, 2009


· 2022 UQ BEL优秀员工

· 2021 AFAANZ Finance SIG Shark Tank Pitch 最佳研究计划

· 2017 BHP Billiton卓越科研奖

· 2016 院长最佳论文奖;Perron最佳论文奖;Ahern 科研新星

· 2015 Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference最佳论文

· 2013 最佳教学提名